20 December 2021 Court Fees Regulations - Notice (20-12-2021) COURT FEES REGULATIONS, OFFICIAL CONSOLIDATION OF C.R .Nu. R-042-2021 Notice under s.65(2) of the Legislation Act Consolidated Law
25 October 2021 Integrity Act - Notice (25-10-2021) INTEGRITY ACT, OFFICIAL CONSOLIDATION OF C.S.Nu.,c.I-50 NOTICE UNDER S. 65(2) OF THE LEGISLATION ACT Consolidated Law
25 October 2021 Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act - Notice (25-10-2021) LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ACT, OFFICIAL CONSOLIDATION OF C.S.Nu.,c.L-70 Notice under subsection 65(2) of the Legislation Act Consolidated Law
15 September 2021 Nunavut Elections Act - Notice (15-09-2021) NUNAVUT ELECTIONS ACT, OFFICIAL CONSOLIDATION OF C.S.Nu.,c.N-60 NOTICE UNDER S. 65(2) OF THE LEGISLATION ACT Consolidated Law